Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Teeth, Bunnies, and Bedrooms

Ok, so I really was hoping to update this a bit sooner, but hey, a week isn't too bad right? So I think the biggest even this week is Bradley, my now 8 month old son, is finally getting his first tooth! It's a top tooth on his left side. It's made it through the skin, and so far, he's not in that much pain. His nose is running a little, and he's chewing on everything in sight. This picture of him on the right was taken on Easter Sunday, and yes there is a reason why he's not wearing any pants. This jacket was given to us when I was pregnant with Brooke from Daniel's Grandma Pat. Grandma was so convinced that we were going to have a boy, she bought this jacket before we even found out. As you all know, we didn't end up having a boy (that pregnancy at least) but we held on to the jacket anyways. Sadly Grandma Pat was taken from us on Sept 11th, 2007 but her memories will live on forever. We decided it would be nice for Bradley to wear this jacket on his very first Easter, however, it was a big snug already. So we put it on for a few minutes, took some pictures, and packed it away in his baby box so we will always have the jacket, and the story that goes along with it.

Our Easter was wonderful this year. We got up nice and early, got all dressed up, took some fun pictures, then off to church. Now we did Easter a little differently this year. As I explained in the last post, Brooke LOVES going to Sunday School. So much so, it's a fight to get her to come home. So this year, we decided that the Easter Bunny should come while we're at Church to give Miss Brooke some incentive to come home.

While we ate our Breakfast and got ready to go, Brooke anxiously awaited the arrival of the Easter Bunny. We took both of the kids to visit the Easter Bunny while he was at the mall, however Brooke wanted NOTHING to do with him. Bradley was fascinated. We tried and tried to get Brooke to go and talk to him because we knew she'd regret it if she didn't, but there wasn't anything in the world that was going to make her go sit on that Bunny's lap. She did of course regret her decision but she's looking forward
to meeting him again next year. I'll tell you what, that Easter Bunny wasn't messin' around this year. With the help of Brooke and Bradley's Papa, Bama, Auntie Erin, Uncle Ben, and Grandma Bonnie, that Easter Bunny made all of their Easter dreams come true. Would you just look at that? Now tell me these kids aren't spoiled rotten. :) Brooke's favorite present was The Princess and the Frog DVD. Boy does she love that movie. She has watched it every night
since she's had it and I don't think she's stopping anytime soon.
Brooke also got 3 stuffed Bunnies, a Tinker Bell bathing suit and cover up, a Princess toothbrush and toothpaste set, bunny ears, sunflower hat, a Slinky, sunglasses, gloves, purse, books, and of course, a few pieces of candy! That's not even all! LOL Bradley got Toy Story 1 & 2 on Blu-Ray Combo packs (he's sharing this gift with Mommy of course), a new bathing suit, teethers, books, a new toothbrush, 2 stuffed Bunny's, and much more!

So remember how I said I'd post pictures of where we're living... I didn't forget. :) Up first are some pictures of the Craft Room which is where Bradley is sleeping. I wanted you all to see that I wasn't joking when I said it was literally floor to ceiling, wall to wall, craft supplies.

And then of course, Bradley's crib right in the middle of the room.
We did finally get Bradley in his crib and out of the pack-n-play and ever since, he's been sleeping much better. Next up, we need to get his crib toys put on the crib so he can play when he wakes up.

Next up are some pictures of our bedroom.
This is the room where Brooke, Daniel, and myself all sleep.
Please excuse the mess, but I figured it'd be best to show
you the way it actually looks most of the time.

Brooke has corner where she's sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor. She's got her own TV and DVD player where she watches her movies before bed. Then there is what Brooke calls her "Daddy's Boyfriend" Mister Dave Matthews. I hate this poster with every fiber of my being.... but hopefully soon, I'll figure out a way to hang my Brandon Boyd over Dave's ugly face. :) As you can see, Daniel insisted on making sure our TV's stayed out of storage, and in our lives... so we have a massive TV right in front of our bed. Also hooked up with it's own DVD player and Direct TV. We are also sleeping on our mattresses on the floor. There was no way set up our bed and still have any room at all.

I of course took a picture of the living room since this is where we all spend the most time. Bradley still loves his ExerSaucer and Brooke loves playing with him while he's in there. No, my kids don't usually look so miserable. I think they were just trying to prove me wrong. Figures.

Ray and Diana made sure to make room for Brooke's Kitchen that she got for Christmas so she doesn't fall behind on her culinary skills. She cooks for everyone in the house on a pretty regular basis. She loves having Tea Parties with her Uncle Brandon... on the days that she likes him of course. Some days... she wants nothing to do with him. LOL We try and keep things as clean as we can but with two kids it is sort of difficult.

Daniel has been interviewing like crazy, in fact he's off at one now. We've got our fingers crossed for a certain job, but if it doesn't work out then it's not meant to. I'll be sure to keep you all posted as to what's going on. Well I think I've written enough for this week... =)